August 21, 2014

2 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge

  1. pft

    Has anyone counted the energy consumption of msking all that wasted ice? It seems a rather ungreen way to get other folks to make a donation. LOL, but I guess it helps cool you off in the summer

    Apparently they have 200,000 donations. Assuming only 1% donated instead of poured 5 lbs of ice over their heads, that means 20 million people dumped 5 lbs of ice. Thats 100 million pounds of ice. That 11,100,000 KWh or about 1.3 million dollars in energy costs.

    Ok, so that works.

    However, we have not considered the CO2 emissions (2 lbs per KWh), or about 22 million pounds of CO2. At 20 dollars per ton per some estimates, that’s another 200,000 of CO2 which will delay the timing of the next ice age (or plunge us into catastrophic warming a nano second earlier)

    So total cost is 1.5 million dollars. ALS gets 20. Guess it works.

    Of course, how many strokes or heart attacks that resulted from the ice challenge and the associated health care costs we can’t calculate due to lack of data


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