March 1, 2010

Baseball Musings Pledge Drive

Five years ago Baseball Musings became a full time job. I hoped at the time that:

this site can become self-sustaining, generating enough income to support my family.

I asked you, the readers, to help kick start the effort, and you responded with a heartening $3000. In the following two years you responded each March with generous donations. Thanks to all who contributed, as well as to the thousands of readers, commentators and other blogs linking here that make the site a success.

I want to especially thank Brian Borawski for acting as my agent those first few months, sending advertisers this way. Jamie and Chris Mottram promoted the pledge drive on their various Internet ventures over the years. Will Leitch of Deadspin sends lots of traffic this way as only he can. I’d also like to thank all my blogging buddies who sent readers this way during the pledge drives.

I also thank the good people at Baseball Prospects and for giving my writing a wider audience by publishing my work on their sites. A number of sport radio stations invite me to comment on baseball due to my exposure through those sites.

Big media bloggers who link to Baseball Musings receive a tip of the hat as well. From my old friend Peter Gammons to the New York Times Bats journalist bloggers like Joe Christensen and Peter Abraham are redefining how beat reporters cover baseball, and they use the tools at Baseball Musings to help in their writing.

So once again, I’m asking for your help. If you use the Day by Day Database (complete logs back to 1957), if you learn something from the Probabilistic Model of Range consider a donation. If you’re a long time reader, if you found something useful through a Google search, even if you just like to come here and complain in the comments, please be part of this site with a contribution. Any amount is fine. If every individual who visits this site in March gives $1, Baseball Musings can be written full time for a year. If everyone donated $10, the money raised would sustain this site indefinitely.

And, in best NPR fashion, there are premiums. For a donation of $50, you will be able to dedicate a post. The dedication should be in good taste and may contain a hyperlink. For a contribution of $500, you can join Peter Gammons and Jack Spellman as a Patron on the side bar for two years, including a hyperlink.

Donations can be made PayPal or Click and Pledge. Just click on the button of choice below. There are a number of people who won’t use PayPal. Click and Pledge will process a credit card without making you sign up for an account.

Online donation system by ClickandPledge

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this site a success by reading, commenting on and recommending the posts here. With your monetary support, Baseball Musings can continue to bring you a fresh perspective on the game and explore new ways of presenting information about the national pastime. Help Baseball Musings continue to grow by making a generous donation today.

Update: Sorry, I had the wrong code for my PayPal button. It works now.

1 thought on “Baseball Musings Pledge Drive

  1. Robert Darfour

    Will Leitch is no longer the “editor” of Deadspin.

    It’s some other guy who took the editorial slant straight into the gutter. If that was even possible.


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