March 22, 2010

Team Offense, Washington Nationals

The series on team offense continues with the Washington Nationals. The Nats scored 4.38 runs per game in 2009, ranking 22nd in the majors and 10th in the National League. The order comes from the probable lineup on CBSSportsline.

The OBP and slugging percentage used come from the Marcel the Monkey forecast system. Plugging those numbers in the Lineup Analysis Tool (LAT) produces the following results:

  • Best lineup: 4.74 runs per game
  • Probable lineup: 4.57 runs per game
  • Worst lineup: 4.17 runs per game
  • Regressed lineup: 4.37 runs per game

The Washington lineup is in a bit of a state of flux right now, as Guzman is hurt and Ian Desmond is playing well in spring training. CBSSportsline puts Maxwell in rightfield, but Nationals Journal thinks it might be Willie Harris. Even though, according to CBS, Riggleman goes old school with an unproductive hitter in the two slot, having Morgan, Dunn, Zimmerman and Willingham up front makes up for most of that. In fact, if you just flip Maxwell and Guzman, the Nats lineup looks a lot better.

What Riggleman can’t get around is three low run producers in the lineup. That pretty much means the Nats will need very good pitching and defense to win. With Dunn moving to first base, the defense overall should be a lot better. If and when Strasburg and Storen arrive, the pitching should be better as well. With better defense, 4.7 runs per game could get them to .500 this year.

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