February 3, 2011

Social Media Commandments

Dirk Hayhurst posts his “Ten Commandments of Social Networking as a professional athlete.” It’s really good advice for anyone connecting on a social network. For example:

3) Don’t post like a Douche Bag. What does that mean? Well, you’re a role model for God’s sake. You may not think you are (hey Chuck), but the fact that thousands of people are following and friending you obviously means people care about what you say. If people care about your words, do yourself a favor and think about them before they come out of your mouth. That means, don’t turn your twitter feed into a ghetto fabulous freestyle wherein you slaughter the English language and refer to woman in terms of things you’d like to do to them. Be civil, be responsible, and practice good social etiquette. You may say that doing these things robs you of a chance to be yourself, that it makes you sound fake. Well, friend, all I can say is restraint doesn’t mean not showing people who you are, it mean’s picking the right time and right circles to do it. Some of the best role models in can think of are those who know how to wield self control, and Social Media is a good place to practice it.

He’s going to make a great media consultant one day.

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