Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 13, 2003
Steve Bisheff Responds:

Steve Bisheff was nice enough to reply to my comments about his piece on Eric Owens:

Since I don't know anything about you or your background, I'm certainly not offended. But trust me, this wasn't a puff piece. I'd seen Owens play extensively when he was with San Diego, and I think the guy is a fine player who definitely fits into the style the Angels play. Sorry if you don't agree. But anyone who has read me or knows my style understands that I NEVER write puff pieces. Check with the Angels. I've been their biggest critic through the years. Nice hearing from you, though.

I'm one of those who is less impressed by hustle than by results. Eric Owen may truly be a hard-nosed player. But I'd rather have someone with a .360 OBA or a .480 slugging percentage if Salmon gets hurt.

Posted by David Pinto at 02:10 PM | Baseball