Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 03, 2003
Expanding Playoffs?

J Lentner points out this article on Baseball Prospectus and he has these comments:

You might want to alert your readers to the article in Baseball Prospectus regarding the “study” MLB is doing on an expansion of the playoffs. For people who love the game it is alarming to think the 162 game schedule will be rendered even less meaningful than it already is. I don’t know what is worst: a three game round in which any team, from the Devil Rays to the Angels has close to an even chance of winning, or another round of five games resulting in the World Series regularly ending around November 7th.

I really have a hard time getting excited about middle of the division teams, and I have no problem with a great team not making the playoffs. I think you can get the same pop in attendance by having smaller divisions with competitive teams. I would still like to see baseball expand to 32 teams with eight four-team divisions. Then have the winner of each division make the playoffs. Yes, some great teams will be left out, but that just gives them that much more desire to improve and win the next year. Also, if you go to another round of playoff games, you have to shorten the season. One hundred sixty two games is not written in stone. Either shave a week with scheduled double headers, or go back to a shorter season.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:13 PM | Baseball