Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 13, 2003
Jeter Angry?

On the ESPN front page they currently have this headline:

Angry Jeter lets critical Steinbrenner have it

But when you click on the link, you get this headline.

Jeter bothered by questions about his work ethic

Which fits the piece much more appropriately. In my reading of the AP article, it seems Jeter is mad at the press for blowing his social life out of proportion after Steinbrenner made the comments:

"He's the boss and he's entitled to his opinion, right or wrong, but what he said has been turned into me being this big party animal," Jeter told AP national columnist Steve Wilstein in a phone interview from the Yankees' spring training camp in Tampa, Fla. "He even made a reference to one birthday party. That's been turned into that I'm like Dennis Rodman now.

"I don't think that's fair. I have no problems with people criticizing how I play. But it bothers me when people question my work ethic. That's when you're talking about my integrity. I take a lot of pride in how hard I work. I work extremely hard in the offseason. I work extremely hard during the season to win. My priorities are straight."

Also, there's a side bar about how the Yankees aren't paying Giambi strength coach anymore.

This is probably the first time in his career that Jeter has to endure negative press from the NY media. It probably hurts, but that's life in the big city. Up until now I thought he was handling it well. Jeter's best bet is to just ignore things for a while and get off to a good start when the season comes. Nothing like a high batting average to turn the press in your direction.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:09 PM | Baseball