Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 20, 2003
100 Percent:

Sorry to bring up the supposed Steinbrenner-Jeter war of words again, but it gives me a chance to discuss a pet peeve:

Steinbrenner's words were a tad softer than the ones he used Wednesday, when asked if he felt his message had been received.

"It better have. I got my message through," he told The New York Times. "If I'm paying a guy $16 million, I want him to listen.

"I think (manager) Joe Torre will get that across to him. I think (Jeter's) going to be fine. He always gives 100 percent. But I need 110 percent."

It's this whole 110 percent thing. I know it's just a figure of speech, but people can't give 110 percent. If you are giving 100 percent, you are giving all you have. If you can give more than 100 percent, why stop at 110? Why not demand 120% of Jeter? A-Rod's getting a lot more money. Should we demand 200% from him? I have never heard someone say that a ballplayer gives less than 100%. But if they are capable of 110%, is 100% really 91%? (That's 5B% Hex, for you programmers out there.)

Let's face it. Steinbrenner thought Jeter wasn't trying his hardest last year. That's fine. But let's not sugar-coat it. If a manager or owner thinks a player isn't performing to his or her full potential, say so. Ask for 100%. But asking for anything beyond that is ludicrous and impossible.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:25 PM | Baseball