Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 08, 2003

Paul Newberry of the AP has this profile of Robert Fick. Seems he's made some changes in his life, and they appear to be all for the good.

Fick found himself staying at the bars later and later. One more drink, that will make everything better. To dull the hangover and get up for games, he became increasingly dependent on ephedra-laced pills, despite the health warnings.

"When you're going through the season, you don't think about things like that," Fick said. "You're just doing whatever it takes to get to the ballpark. But that stuff makes it a long season. When you're taking that stuff, you can't eat. You do lose weight, but you lose a lot of strength. It's more bad than good."

Maybe it was the pills that helped expose Fick's feisty side. Twice, he's been suspended for fighting during games. He vows it won't happen again.

Good luck to him. I'm glad he saw the self-destructive behavior in himself and is doing something to correct it.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:25 PM | Baseball