Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 16, 2003
Fans on the Field

A fan attacked an umpire during the Royals-White Sox game last night. This is the same place where Royals coach Tom Gamboa was attacked last year.

Now the Royals' bullpen coach, Gamboa said he thought security was tighter for his team's return. He felt safe -- at least before the game.

"Oh yeah, the assistant to major league security was at the game tonight. He told me before the game that they had beefed up the security, but the fans will always outnumber the security force, so there is only so much they can do," Gamboa said.

Beefed up security. Is that like "Elite" Republican Guards? The Royals players took security into their own hands. Libertarians would be proud.

Several Royals players could be seen kicking and stomping the fan while he was pinned down. When the attacker was put into a police car, his head was wrapped with a white bandage, soaked with blood near the right temple.

Now, do you really want to be on the field with pissed off professional athletes? Ones with spiked shoes and holding wooden bats? These guys can hit a 95 MPH fastball, your head is a much easier target. Up until now, players tried to avoid contact with fans on the field, but I believe things changed last night.

When I was a regular at Fenway in the 1980's, they had a very good solution to security. They hired football players from the local colleges as bouncers. They were dressed in navy blue blazers and wore ties so they looked professional and authoritative. If someone was causing trouble in the stands, you could seek one of these men out and they would come talk to the offending person, and if needed escort them out of the park. If some fan ran onto the field, they would chase them down (and yes, they were good runners), tackle them, and lead them to the hoosegow. It was a win for everyone involved. The players had a summer job that gave them time to practice, they got to hang out at Fenway, and they worked cheap for the Red Sox. And the games were more enjoyable with them around. Someone should revive this practice.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:18 AM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (0)