Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 02, 2003
Game of the Day

Not a lot to choose from today, but the one standout is Colorado at San Francisco. Shawn Chacon brings his 7-2 record and 3.36 ERA to Pac Bell Park. Amazingly, he's 6-0 with a 2.61 at home, but 1-2 with a 5.50 ERA on the road. (Eight of his eleven starts have been at home.) This is typical of the Rockies staff, which is 21-8 with a 4.69 ERA at home, and 6-22 with a 5.28 ERA on the road. One would think that a Rockies team that was posting that low an ERA at home would be unhittable on the road. Couple that road ERA with one of the worst offenses on the road, and you have a team that is floundering.

Chacon goes against Jason Schmidt, who is 4-1 despite a 2.54 ERA. In five starts at home, Jason only has one decision, a win. Jason has better than a 4 to 1 K/BB (79 K, 19 BB). Both pitchers had great Junes and so-so May's.

Posted by David Pinto at 07:16 AM | Games | TrackBack (0)