Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 03, 2003
Games of the Day

This first set of interleague series doesn't do a lot for me. You have Griffey playing against the Yankees for the first time in a few years, but Griffey's not the player he used to be. Still, he's hit 32 HR vs. the Yankees in his regular season career, the 2nd most vs. any team (he has 34 against Toronto). The Texas-Atlanta game pits A-Rod vs. Furcal. I have no doubt that A-Rod is the better player, but in many ways, Furcal is having the better year. Furcal is 2nd in short form win shares, while A-Rod is tied for 30th.

The Detroit-SD game might be fun, just because both teams are so bad, they'd probably be competitive against each other! The Tigers send Nate Cornejo to the mound, who despite not striking out batters, has pitched very well.

Finally, the one game that pits near equals against each other is Minnesota at San Francisco. It's Mays vs. Moss in the battle of the M's. Mays has had some success at the plate, with 2 hits and 2 walks in 9 AB.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:46 AM | Games | TrackBack (0)