Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 06, 2003
Game of the Day

The Yankees vs. the Cubs is the most compelling game out there today. Even without Scandal SosaTM, it's a great game historically. The Cubs and Yankees have met eight times in games that mattered, and the Yankees have won all eight. And the games were seldom close. The Yankees outscored the Cubs 59-28 in those eight games. Lou Gehrig, who played in both World Series, was particulary devestating, hitting .419 with a double and three HR, scoring 13 runs and driving in eight. Ruth hit .333, scored six, drove in six and hit two HR, one of them his called shot in 1932. You know, the Yankees only used 8 different pitchers in those eight games? Ruffing and Gomez started five of the eight games (both were there for both series), were 5-0 with four complete games.

The only pitcher who performed well for the Cubs was Bill Lee (no, not that Bill Lee), who made two starts in 1938 and lost both despite a 2.45 ERA. Of course, that's not as good as it looks, as he allowed a .333 BA and poor defense led to three unearned runs. Stan Hack hit in 1938 (.471) but no one around him did, as he scored three runs and only drove in one.

Expect a lot of swings and misses. Each pitching staff leads its league in strikeouts, with the Cubs tops in the majors. (The Cubs batters are 3rd in the majors in strikeouts, while the Yankee batters are 13th.) Each team has a tenuous hold on the division lead. And of course, there's Sosa vs. Jeter-Torre-Steinbrenner-Matsui......

Should be a lot of fun.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:04 AM | Games | TrackBack (0)