Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 06, 2003
Sosa Suspended, Sort Of

Sammy Sosa has been suspended for eight games. But he's appealed, so he dosen't have to start the suspension yet. I'm waiting for Steinbrenner's reaction. He wasn't happy that the Yankees had to play the four toughest teams in the NL Central, while the Red Sox got the two eaisest. So now Sosa gets to play against the Yankees, but will likely miss the Orioles and Blue Jays, two teams chasing the Yankees, and well within striking distance.

Bob Watson, baseball's vice president in charge of discipline, met with Cubs manager Dusty Baker and Hendry at Wrigley Field on Thursday, then returned to New York. Watson did not talk to Sosa.

Why did Watson leave? I could have guaranteed you Sosa would appeal. Why not stay in Chicago and hear it? Bud's only a few miles away in Milwaukee, why doesn't he drive down and hear it? There are planes that leave NY for Chicago quite often, why doesn't someone from MLB get his behind on one and go hear the appeal? Why doesn't Sammy Sosa, if he's so contrite, take his punishment like a man and just be happy it wasn't 10 games or 30 games????

I get the feeling Fox and ESPN wanted Sosa playing for their national audiences. This is one case where it's really not fair to the Yankees.

Update: Here's a look at what's going on behind the scenes at Fox for Saturday's big game from the NY Daily News.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:20 PM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)