Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 06, 2003
Interview Deleted

I had an interview up with someone from the commissioner's office, but I misunderstood the use of the answers and had to take down the post. I'll try to get someone official to speak with me.

Update: I just spoke with Patrick Courtney of Major League Baseball. I asked him when the Sosa appeal would be heard. He told me as soon as possible, but a date had not been set. It will be heard by Bob DuPuy. I also asked why Bob Watson couldn't stay in Chicago, since there would likely be an appeal and hear it right away. It basically comes down to the Player's Association, who does the appeal, needing time to prepare. I also asked if he thought this was fair to the Yankees, given that the appeal would likely be heard Monday, and he said that this system has been in place, and they can't change it for one incident. My thanks to Patrick for taking the time to talk to me.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:55 PM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)