Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
July 25, 2003
Games of the Day

Lots of good pitchers going tonight; Loaiza, Runelvys Hernandez, Moyer, Dontrelle Willis and the return of the Big Unit. All worth tuning in. But the big game of the day has to be the Yankees at the Red Sox, as control specialist David Wells takes on the Ace of Aces, Pedro Martinez. Wells career at Fenway is 10-10, but with a 5.12 ERA. In his last five starts, he's 3-1, despite a 5.13 ERA. The Red Sox are 8-4 when the opposition starts a lefty in Fenway (although, one of those losses was to Wells). In other words, this is a pitching matchup made in heaven for the Red Sox. Pedro is on a roll, with a 1.56 ERA in his last five starts. A good night by Pedro and a bad night by Loaiza could put Pedro in the ERA lead in the AL.

Joel Sherman of the NY Post says that Pedro doesn't scare the Yankees, and points out how successful the Yankees have been when Pedro starts. Jay Greenberg, on the other hand, points out that this Yankee rotation will be severely tested by the Red Sox offense.

On the Boston side, Dan Shaughnessy revels in the rivalry.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:26 AM | Games | TrackBack (0)