Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 03, 2003
Boston And Manny

Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe pens an excellent piece on the Manny Ramirez situation:

Oooh, this is getting interesting. Let's go over this one more time so there is no confusion on anyone's part. The $160 million man, who leads the Red Sox in home runs (31) and is second in runs batted in (90), a guy that people who don't have to live with him think is one of the most valuable players in the league, declares his physical readiness for a game in the heat of a pennant race, and the manager says, "No, thank you"? Is that what's going on here?"


"I like the way our club has responded the past few days," explained Little. "I'm putting the team out there I feel gives us the best chance to win tonight."

Oooh, this is really getting interesting.

Still don't get it? The manager pulled a Popeye. He's reached the that's-all-I-can-stand-I-can't-stands-no-more phase with his juvenile slugger. Manny Ramirez has been benched.

The implication was that this might not be a one-day thing, either.

"I've got to see a game that day when he figures into the lineup that gives us a good chance to win," cooed Little, who has just taken the most important step of his managerial career.

And I've just gotten to like this team a whole lot better. First of all, the players were really upset at Manny. The other 24 (or is it 39 now?) players have really pulled together during this. Grady Little, rather than making excuses for his star, firmly came down on the side of the players who want to win. And, as I learned from the broadcast last night, the front office fully supports the decision to bench Ramirez. This is in stark contrast to the situation a few years ago with Carl Everett.

You always wonder with the Red Sox if they reall want to win, if they really are a team. Right now, I'd have to say yes.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:29 AM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (1)