Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 22, 2003
World Series Winner

Daniel Drezner thinks the Red Sox will win the World Series.

The key to the Red Sox success this year is that they have refused to allow heartbreaking losses to affect their overall equilibrium. It would obviously be better if they had no such losses. The key, however, is that such reversals don't cause the team to go into a tailspin.

This is why the Red Sox will win the whole shebang -- playoff baseball is all about heartbreakingly close games. The team that wins the playoff series is the one that can live with temporary disappointment and then come back the next day and play better baseball.

The obvious example is the 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks. Despite two dramarically blown saves by Byung-Hyung Kim in Yankee Stadium, a manager that had no touch in terms of pitching changes, and a powerful symbolism that suggested the Yankees should win in the wake of 9/11, Arizona gutted out the series and won in it in seven games.

Most teams that enter the postseason are used to success and unaccustomed to staggering reverses. The 2003 Red Sox, on the other hand, are veterans of this sort of emotional workout.

Of course, they also have Kim as their closer.

We'll see. I thought the Red Sox would win the AL East, and that's not going to happen. They have a great offense. If they get to the playoffs and match up with the right pitching staffs, they could easily win it all. But they still have to make it to the playoffs first.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:39 PM | Predictions | TrackBack (0)