Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 30, 2003
Schmidt And Bonds

Giants win 2-0. Yesterday, I tried to write a post about how the Giants have their talent concentrated in two players. The point I made poorly is that concentration of talent is enough to carry the team. That concentration shone through today.

Schmidt pitched brilliantly. He gave up only three hits, no walks and struck out five as he pitched a complete game shutout. It's only the sixth CG shutout in LDS history, and three of those were in 1981!

Barry Bonds did not get a hit, but they walked him three times. In the 4th, his walk moved Aurilia into scoring position, where he scored on an error. In the 8th, with two out and no one on, he was intentionally walked, and scored on a Alfonzo double. So the strategy of walking Bonds resulted in both of the SF runs scoring.

Bonds and Schmidt lifted the Giants on their shoulders today and carried them to victory.

Posted by David Pinto at 06:48 PM | League Division Series | TrackBack (0)