Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 26, 2003
Zimmer Resigns

Don Zimmer resigned quietly after the Yankees lost last night. He showed off his great math skills:

For 25 years, (the Yankee owner) has called me 'Zimmer,' and for 25 years, I've called him the Boss. Well, tonight, he's not the Boss; he's Steinbrenner."

Wasn't Zimmer the manager of the Red Sox 25 years ago? So that explains a lot. The Red Sox blew the lead in 1978 because Zim was being paid by Steinbrenner. Will wonders never cease.

And, he's no longer Zimmer's boss, though Zimmer stopped short of saying he was going to retire.

"I'm going home -- we'll see what happens," said Zimmer. "I'm 72 years old; I don't know who would want me -- I'm not Jack McKeon (the World Series winning manager, who's also 72). But for 55 years, this has been my livelihood. And I'm going out the way my wife wanted me to go out."

Say, aren't the Red Sox looking for a new manager?

Posted by David Pinto at 11:00 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)