Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 24, 2004
Difficult Blogging

ESPN has made blogging more difficult. When you are on the page of an ESPN news story, you can no longer select text for copying. You can try it yourself with this article about Rick Reed signing with the Pirates. This makes it a lot more work to quote and comment on articles (you can still do it, you just have to type the text). I don't know what the reason is, but it's going to make blogging their articles more time consuming.

Which means that I may not link to as many articles from their site. And that's bad for them. The way Google works, the more you are linked, the more likely you are to bubble to the top of searches. The higher you're seen in a search, the more likely you are to be visited. The more you are visited, the more you can charge for advertising.

ESPN has the best and most diverse set of baseball writers of any on-line site I read. They are the first place I go for baseball news. But now, I'll probably get my ideas there, but link to similar stories from other sources. It's too bad. I assume they are doing this to stop what they see as theft, but baseball thought for many years that radio and TV would decrease attendance, when the two in fact made the game much more popular. This policy will lead to less links, and less links means a lower Google standing. I think it's a mistake.

Update: A reader (see comments) reports that you can still cut-and-paste with Mozzilla. I'll have to try it with Safari on my Mac at home, also. However, neither of those browsers support the MT B, i, U or URL buttons. Solve one problem, create another. Maybe ESPN should just change things back.

Update: As of Jan. 26, 2004, you can once again copy text from articles.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:50 PM | Blogs | TrackBack (0)

I can copy and paste fine when I use Mozilla. It seems to be a problem with IE.

Posted by: Score Bard at January 24, 2004 02:03 PM

yeah, i noticed this yesterday too. lame, lame, lame.

Posted by: jorge at January 24, 2004 02:09 PM

I would argue that, in fact, MT doesn't correctly support the code for those buttons, because it could easily be coded to work in all three browsers (Ikonboard, a discussion board software, does so, for instance).

But, I'll stop being a pedant now. What you could always try is opening up ESPN in Mozilla and keep your blogging in IE - you should be able to cut & paste between applications unless ESPN has done something truly odd.

Posted by: John Y. at January 24, 2004 02:18 PM

Yes, you are probably right. I just assumed they were taking advantage of Microsoft calls. Still it's a pain having two browsers when one should do. If MT fixes their problems, I'd be happy to move to Mozilla or Safari.

Posted by: David Pinto at January 24, 2004 02:26 PM

Yeah, Safari still works but IE Mac doesn't. Funky.

Posted by: Eric Blair at January 24, 2004 02:27 PM

The odd thing is, I've been looking at the code for that Rick Reed article for a few minutes and I can't figure out how they're blocking cut/paste. Perhaps they're forking code depending on your browser. Try turning off JavaScript in IE and visiting (of course, that would probably also break the buttons in MT).

Posted by: John Y. at January 24, 2004 02:46 PM used to be my favorite page to visit. I say used to be. It, to me, has become the most clunky site on the web that I visit. I have high speed but a lot of times that doesnt matter to ESPN. Even within the site links seem to be unresponsive a large percentage of the time. Sure it looks nice but I go there for content. I am now of course seeking info elsewhere. Good work ESPN. Not very user friendly, but hey its fancy and thats all that matters right ?

Posted by: Ed Zipper at January 24, 2004 03:06 PM

Agree on all counts ... and more reason to switch to Mozilla (or Safari!)

Unlike IE, there's not really a better option to switch to from ESPN. I can't see switching over to Fox and Yahoo's just TOO minimal for my taste. Anyone have suggestions?

Posted by: William Carroll at January 24, 2004 03:33 PM

Here is a workaround, albeit cumbersome.

1. Locate the file in your Temporary Internet Files folder. It will have a name such as "story?id=########"

The Rick Reed story is "story?id=1717047"

(Sort your Temporary Internet files folder by "Last Accessed" to float all of your recently cached files to the top.)

2. drag the file to another folder. It will probably appear there as simply "story(1)" or similar.

3. Open the file from that folder in Microsoft Word.

When I did the above, the page formatting was funky, because Word couldn't find the style sheets, but I could easily select and copy text.


Posted by: Steve at January 24, 2004 03:47 PM

Or, much easier, just click on the Print Story link and c&p as usual from a cleaner page.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if they fixed that next.

Posted by: N at January 24, 2004 04:11 PM

You can still copy text from the "print this article" version of the story. That is actully a beter page to link to anyway - its cleaner and easier to read without all the moving ads, etc.

Posted by: Chris ODonnell at January 24, 2004 04:19 PM

Chris -

duh! Of course!( insert sound and image of dumb Swede (me) slapping his palm against his forehead)

Posted by: Steve at January 24, 2004 06:16 PM

Another thing has restricted is saving the page. I haven't tried to save one off in a while but it gives me an error if I try to now through IE (although I use Mozilla now, mainly).

Posted by: Russ at January 24, 2004 06:40 PM

I surf the web with Mozilla (actually Mozilla Firebird) because I think that the tabs feature in Mozilla is indispensable. When I decide to blog something I open IE. For me it works well to have two browsers open at the same time. You could just surf in Mozilla and blog using a client like W.Bloggar.

Posted by: Daniel at January 24, 2004 07:00 PM

Just to play devil's advocate here, I was able to save the page and most included files using IE. I wasn't able to copy and paste text, however I think this may be a bug either in the way the page is rendered in IE or in some javascript that they might have added recently. With the amount of code forking they do to serve certain things to certain clients, why wouldn't they have implemented similar techniques in other browsers?

Other reasons to think this is an accident: copy and paste works in the lite site, it works in the print preview, and select all is still enabled in the right click menu. If they were really trying to limit people's abilities to c&p content, and they wanted to use IE to do it, I'm sure that they would have used vbscript to chop up the right click menu a little more.

I reported this as a bug using the form linked at the bottom of the page. If anyone has a more direct email address, please post it as it would be cool for concerned parties to email. The more people they hear from the better, bug or "feature".

Posted by: jfournier at January 24, 2004 10:59 PM

Yes, tabbed browsing is one of those things that has become a must for me. I could never go back to a browser that didn't use it.

And Safari (the best browser on the planet IMO) can copy/paste that article just fine.

Posted by: Edw. at January 25, 2004 08:24 AM

There is another option. ESPN's "lite" version. It doesn't have all the geegaws, but cuts straight to the text.

I didn't have a problem with cut&paste. The article you mention is here:

(For some browsers it does have a bit of a problem formatting the main picture on the index page.)

Posted by: Chuck Welch at January 25, 2004 10:04 AM

You can also disable Java/Javascript in Tools->Internet Options.

Or you can click View -> Source. It will open a .txt file, and you can c&p from there.

Posted by: Joe at January 25, 2004 10:20 AM

John Y.

This is the code keeping us from c&p:

body bgcolor="#ffffff" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false"

It is located just after the header ends.

Posted by: Joe at January 25, 2004 10:50 AM

Are the ondragstart and onselectstart attributes new? I've worked as a web developer but never come across those. It's purely a Microsoft thing, right?

I'm sort of stunned that ESPN would want to disallow selecting text and that evidently Microsoft would include a way to do it in their proprietary HTML interpreter. Maybe the upshot is that if this gains popularity, people will start to abandon IE.

Posted by: ben at January 25, 2004 11:12 AM

I was hoping this would turn out to be a bug, but now it looks like it is intentional. That's too bad.

Posted by: David Pinto at January 25, 2004 11:16 AM

tools > internet options > security > custom levels > then disable active scripting

close and re open all your browser wimdows

I think the lite site is the best option, though.

Posted by: Ping at January 25, 2004 01:53 PM

I'm in Mozilla and OS X and I can select ESPN's text just fine.

I've been contemplating a move to MT, but one of the reasons I've stuck with Blogger is that in Mozilla/OS X, the formatting buttons for bold, ital and URL are supported -- in fact, that's the only combination of OS and browser which I can use those buttons.

Can anybody tell me if that's not the case in MT and OS X? Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: Jay Jaffe at January 25, 2004 05:35 PM

You can also cut/paste directly from the source code. (right click, "View source," ctrl-f for the text). Not too difficult...

Posted by: Andrew at January 25, 2004 10:24 PM

Yeah, I'm sick of the slowness, the popups . . . there are a lot of deterrents to hitting the ESPN site, which is a shame given the quality of the content.

Posted by: Crank at January 26, 2004 09:48 AM

I thought this probably had something to do with ActiveX controls which are supported only in IE. However, turning off ActiveX didn't fix the problem (although I get prompts every time I load ESPN now that the page will not display properly because ActiveX is not enabled). I did notice that the newer pages I can copy and paste from fine. So maybe they changed it back.

Frankly, there's no reason ESPN needs to be using ActiveX other than the ESPN motion stuff. Even then, they could be using Java, which is cross platform.

I'd suggest Mozilla or Firebird for Browsing. While the B, U, and I buttons in MT do not work by default, you can edit the code to make it work. For details, you can start at:

Posted by: Derek at January 26, 2004 10:20 AM

I don't know what is different on my computer, but I am using IE 6.0.2800.1106 and I seem to be able to copy and paste perfectly fine.

Posted by: Bill at January 26, 2004 10:41 AM