Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 07, 2004
Man Without a Position

Julio Franco pinch hit for Mike Hampton in the Braves big fourth inning. The Braves sent so many men to the plate that Franco batted again. Officially, he doesn't have a position on this AB!

Update: And by the way, he had two hits.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:30 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)

This reminds me of a Cubs - Dodgers game back on 5/5/01. The Cubs won 20 to 1 and Ron Coomer pinch hit in the 8-run 8th and came up a second time.

"What they told me was that the second time I hit in the inning, I came up as a Nothing. I was a pinch-hitter the first time, but you can't pinch-hit again. So actually, I was a Nothing. But that's ok. I've been called that before."

Posted by: Brian at April 8, 2004 12:14 AM

What about a "pinch run hit"? During abig inning Chone Figgins and one other guy both batted as pinch runners for the Angels in the 2002 WS vs the Giants. Figgins got a single and the other guy made an out. I contend that is a "pinch run hit" given Figgins came into the game as a PR. You can say he was a "nothing", but I think it was a "PRH". Wonder how many times that's been done in MLB?

Posted by: Daryl Bogard at April 28, 2004 09:35 PM