Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 01, 2004
Shorted Battery?

Mike Cusick sends me a link to this article about the poor relationship between the Giants pitchers and A.J. Pierzynski.

But several pitchers disagreed, and questioned Pierzynski's work ethic. The latest incident occurred before Wednesday's game, when two players confirmed Pierzynski ignored starting pitcher Brett Tomko's request to go over opposing hitters. Instead, the players said, Pierzynski resumed playing cards for another 20 minutes.

"I've never in all my years seen a catcher who didn't watch video before games," one pitcher said. "He doesn't watch hitters - other than the Twins games when they're on TV."

Does anyone know if this went on when he was with the Twins? That's pretty poor form, not to go over hitters with the starter before the game. Mike is wondering if this is why the Giants pitchers are doing so poorly. I don't know, but it's a good place to start laying blame.

Posted by David Pinto at 02:17 PM | Defense | TrackBack (0)

It's really hard to know what the relationship was in Minnesota, and things are probably being blown out of proportion at the moment in San Fran. The problem, of course, is that there is blame that needs to be laid.

I don't think you see that article if the team is in first place, and all those "unnamed players" who think this, that, and the other are familiar to fans who root for teams that fall short of expectations. Like the Mets, for example.

Posted by: Avkash at May 1, 2004 09:08 PM

The Giants starting pitchers are stinking just fine all by themselves, thank you. Apparently there was a big team meeting yesterday and it all got sorted out. That's the company line, at least.

Posted by: Marty at May 1, 2004 09:21 PM

Like Marty said, the team held a meeting before the Friday night game. It sounds like the team is trying to spin it as a positive, kind of like the Kent-Bonds dugout scuffle in 2002. See this article in the SF Chronicle

Posted by: Random Gians Fan at May 2, 2004 02:12 AM