Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 26, 2004
No Place Like Home

The Mets shutout of the Phillies last night got them on the back page of the NY Post and produced this optimistic story by Michael Morrissey. The Mets are turning out to be another nice surprise this season; not a great team, but good enough to be in the race. The thing that stands out for me about the Mets is how well they have pitched at home. They are posting a 3.28 ERA at Shea vs. 4.55 on the road. And while the offense has been poor, it's been more consistent, scoring 4.1 runs per game at home, 4.5 on the road. Right now, they are looking like a team that fits their ballpark well; if they can stay near .500 on the road, they can post a winning season.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:57 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

Jose Reyes should be back on Friday or Saturday!
No one is ever on base for Piazza, more often than not he seems to be leading off innings... hopefull with jose in the mix that will change!

Posted by: James at May 26, 2004 11:01 AM

Wow, first time visitor to the site and have to say that there is a ton of info here. Lot of very knowledgable people here about baseball. I'm intimidated. Definately an everyday site to visit. New to the whole blog visiting and now that I'm sucked in, can't get enough. I'm stranded in MN so I can't watch my WI teams (until they visit to kick MN collective a$$e$). Anyway, love the site.

Posted by: Cheesehead Craig at May 26, 2004 05:04 PM