Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 30, 2004
Move Not So Official?

Off Wing Opinion has a number of posts on the Expos moving to Washington. Start here and keep moving forward in time. He also links to this interesting piece by Colby Cosh which indicates this deal may not be final.

A visit to a referring thread at directs my attention to this PDF file, which purports to be a copy of the statement of claim in the RICO lawsuit by the former minority owners of the Expos against Loria, Selig, and others who connived at the asphyxiation of major league baseball in Montreal. The document appears authentic. (You can tell it's from 2002 because it looks just like those CBS memos from 1972--har har.) I haven't read the whole statement yet--I skipped around until I found the part I was looking for:

10. Plaintiffs seek redress for their injuries, including compensatory damages, which are tripled under RICO, and punitive damages in an amount no less than US$100 million. In addition, this action seeks a constructive trust over the Montreal Expos franchise, and injunctive relief prohibiting the contraction, relocation or sale of that team.
Stay tuned.
Posted by David Pinto at 07:57 AM | Team Movements | TrackBack (0)