Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 30, 2004
Ichiro Watch

Ichiro grounded out in his first AB today. He needs two hits to tie, three to break the record.

Update: After an Olivo double and a Crosby error, Ichiro drives in Olivo with a single, putting him just one hit behind Sisler. Mariners lead 1-0 in the third.

Update: In the fifth, Ichiro strikes out after a long AB on a pitch in the dirt.

Update: In the seventh, Ichiro lifts a soft fly ball to shallow left that Byrnes charges and catches.

Update: In the ninth, Dotel strikes out Ichiro to end the inning. Suzuki is now 0 for 6 vs. Dotel.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:45 PM | Records | TrackBack (0)