Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 26, 2004
Another Short Outing?

Suppan is in trouble in the fifth. He's given up a double to Damon and a single to Cabrera. He's facing the middle of the order with none out. The Cardinals have not had a starter get out of the fifth yet in this series.

Update: Manny singles with two strikes throught the short stop hole. It's 3-0 Red Sox, and Suppan will face Ortiz.

Update: Ortiz flies out to center. One out.

Update: Varitek hits into a force out. 1st and 3rd with 2 out for Mueller.

Update: Mueller delivers another hit to add another run to the Boston total. It's 4-0 in the 4th, and that's it for Suppan. Once again, the Cardinals starter can't get out of the fifth.

Suppan leaves after throwing 89 pitches, 56 for strikes, a good ratio. But the Red Sox are just wearing down these starters, forcing La Russa into his pen early for the third straight game. Down four runs to Pedro is a tough position for any team, but when you could have scored two more runs, it must hurt even more.

Update: Reyes gets St. Louis out of the inning.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:05 PM | World Series | TrackBack (0)

looking at this series so far

the red sox are doing almost exactly the same thing as the cards did to the dodgers, hammer the starters and get them out early, and then take on the weaker bullpen, weakening them as the series goes on

Posted by: Brandon at October 26, 2004 10:08 PM