Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 24, 2005
More Range

As always, I'm getting very good feedback on a Probabilistic Model of Range post. I wanted to address some of the questions.

I know we discussed this last year, but I forget the answer: is this data adjusted for ballpark?

Ballparks are a parameter of the calculation. The adjustment is built in, rather than added later.

For those of us interested in tracking stats and info but unable to wrap their brains around the math and the various acronyms, is there a way to turn the results into something simpler?

The simplest way to look at it is to just concentrate on the last column. A negative number means the team performed below expectations. A positive number means they exceeded expectations.

Thanks for running your system. I'm confused about the team out totals. It seems that if you add all the teams up, they collectively fielded close to 900 fewer balls than they should have.

Shouldn't this be centered by league average? Or maybe it's centered by the *three*-year average, which would imply that fielding was below average in 2004 across the major leagues.

It's possible that I'm 900 balls short. There can be two reasons for this:

  1. There's a bug in my program.
  2. The version of the database I'm using is incomplete. Baseball Info Solutions relies on video tapes to input batted ball information. The version of the database I'm working with is from early October, and not all games had been viewed on tape yet. Also, during a season, batted balls get missed on broadcasts for various reasons.

I've run checks and my code looks correct. Given that there were over 120,000 balls in play last season, 900 should not make a big difference in terms of the team averages.

This is centered on the three-year average, which is why teams look like they were below average in 2004.

Once again, thanks for the feedback.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:08 AM | Defense | TrackBack (0)

Thanks for the rapid response and sharing your results.

Posted by: Mike Humphreys at January 24, 2005 12:18 PM
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