Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 24, 2005
Moving West

Phil Allard has an interview with new Dodger radio and TV announcer Charley Steiner. Charley was always fun to chat with at ESPN. I thought this was an interesting quote from the interview:

PHIL ALLARD: You were quoted earlier this winter (and I am paraphrasing here) that you felt that the Yankees didn’t show joy when they won as much as relief. Can you elaborate on that a bit?

CHARLEY STEINER: There should be emotion of joy and euphoria, and “God, isn’t that great.” Unfortunately, with the Yanks, the prevailing attitude after a victory is one of relief, and then “God, we have to go out and do it again.’ That is the pressure that is put on them by the Steinbrenner way of doing business and you know, it’s been enormously successful for him and the Yankees. But it’s also very pressure-intensive. The Yanks were far tighter leading 3 games to 1 then the Red Sox were trailing 3 games to 1. Again, the Yanks have had an enormous amount of success doing business in that fashion for a very long time. So, to second guess them would be hypocritical.

So winning has become a chore for the Yankees. That's too bad.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:49 PM | Interviews | TrackBack (1)

I was getting worried - I hadn't seen a Yankee bashing comment here in a few days. I thought I was in Bizarro-land or something. Now all is right with the world.

Posted by: sabernar at February 24, 2005 02:05 PM

I hear you sabernar, constant Yankee bashing bothers me too. The interview I did with Charley certainly was not Yankee bashing, maybe you were talking about Dave's comment on the site. This originally ran on the Yankee fan site, so it is certainly not Yankee bashing. I think Dave pulled out the one segment that might be construed as such.

Along those lines, I found this Red Sox bashing article by Seymour Ruskin: It's over the top, but it makes me laugh some.

Posted by: phil at February 24, 2005 04:18 PM

Yeah, Phil, I was talking about David's side (snide?) comment. I definately wasn't talking about your interview.

Posted by: sabernar at February 24, 2005 04:39 PM

I give thanks every day that I won't have to lose 500 more
Yankee games due to the nightmare of Ch. Steiner. I
read the entire interview, & was glad to see noted one
of the major problems of his being on Yankee radio: he
is not an analyst, but was put in that position for 66%
of game time. Knowing that, I wish he hadn't accepted the job in the first place. As far
as his comment about lack of Yankee joy, I think he's
just a guy trying not to knock his previous employer, but
he wanted to put one little dig in somehow. I think we all
know there is a lot of tightness around there, but, I
wouldn't lose sleep about it. I'm pretty sure they're
as ecstatic about winning as any human being.

Posted by: susan mullen at February 24, 2005 06:51 PM

Personally, I think it is wonderful that the Yankees have hired the first ever full-time female baseball announcer this year in Suzyn Waldman. I am sure that the Yankee bashers will have something to say about that. But the Yanks did the right thing, the rest of you Yankee bashers be damned.

Posted by: tom w. at February 24, 2005 08:05 PM

As a Yankee fan, I used to take great joy in muting the TV and listening to the radio PBP while watching. Now I can't even do that, because Waldman is easily the most irritating announcer ever.

Posted by: Mike at February 24, 2005 08:29 PM

I also turned down the tv & listened to Yankee radio, but
have not done so since Sterling and Kay. Reportedly,
Suzyn will not be doing play by play, just color. She has
traveled with the team for many years, and has a great
deal of color to lend. Since I got no color from the radio
broadcasts when Steiner was there, I relied on her pre
and post shows on tv. I don't know if it helps, but she
earned a living for awhile as a singer on Broadway and
in cabaret. She certainly is not a rude and boorish per-
son, and has a lot of feeling for the game which was
lacking with Steiner.

Posted by: susan mullen at February 24, 2005 08:50 PM

I couldn't agree with you more, Susan,
Waldman knows more about the Yankees than anyone. She is on the Radio (WFAN) right now with Sterling. It's heaven.

Posted by: phil at February 24, 2005 09:11 PM

The only thing worth celebrating in the Yankee organization is a World Series championship. All else is nice, but they have one, and only one, goal in mind.

I'm not sure this is such a bad thing. Look at the Patriots when they won the AFC Championship in '04. They knew they had one more game to win, and that it wasn't over yet, so their celebration was muted at best. Then, when they did win it all, they finally let it all hang out.

It's what separates champions from people who are just glad to be there.

Posted by: Graham at February 25, 2005 01:58 AM

Residing in the midwest, I don't even have the option of the radio PBP. I don't think the snippet here is Yankee bashing, it really does seem to me (from tvland) that the Yankees play tight, and any joy from winning a game is momentary; very unlike the mid 1990s. It sort of reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episode where an unnamed team had a bunch of robots pitching, with ruthless efficiency (er, no pun intended) but no emotion.

Posted by: Robert at February 25, 2005 09:47 AM

Robert, if you are looking for radio play by play no
matter where you are, you can get it this year with XM
radio. They say they'll have all MLB games! I have XM
now, and they already have 1 station discussing baseball
all the time. It costs a bit to buy the XM gear, but after
that it's about $10/month. I don't know yet if we'll be
getting all our games with Sterling & Waldman, but I
hope so.

Posted by: susan mullen at February 26, 2005 03:21 AM

I think that Sterling and Waldman are the two most obnoxious SOB's ever to hit the radio waves. Last nights game against TB is a good example.

Waldman: Nobody likes to have alot of runs scored
against them. So if you don't like that then
just pitch better (I assume she means like most of the rejects wearing pinstripes this season). What a freakin' obvious statement. How much do they pay that skank to "open" the eyes of the listeners? folks are right...I am not a Yankee fan. But let me tell you something. The Yankees are no different than any other team. They are human beings for God sake. If you win 95 games a year but aren't fortunate enough to win the World Series, you shouldn't look in the mirror and consider the season a failure. I hopr to God that the Yankees do not make the play-offs this season just so that for atleast one year they know what most of the other teams see year after year. The dissapointment of not making it. Do all of you people consider yourselves failures on your jobs if something doesn't go the way you want it to? Of course you don't. The same should be said for Sports. Of course sports is important and losing should not be acceptable, but the Yankee approach is all wrong weather you want to admit it or not. Comments like the ones I hear from the two A-holes Sterling and Waldman only add fire to the people who don't subscribe top the Yankee way of thinking. To a certain extent, I feel sorry for all of you for your narrow-mindedness. Get lives will you for God sakes.

Posted by: Dave Kunst at September 14, 2005 10:28 AM
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