Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
February 25, 2005
The Jeter Center

I love this story. Someone won an auction to name the Fleet Center in Boston for a night, and wants them to call it the Derek Jeter Center.

The winning bid for Tuesday's naming rights was made by a New York attorney. Kerry Konrad bid $2,300 on eBay. He wants the arena to be known as Derek Jeter Center, in honor of the Yankees' captain and shortstop.

Not so fast, said FleetCenter spokesman Jim Delaney. Delaney said he told Konrad that his naming request might not be accepted.

The Fleet Center needs to have a sense of humor about this. It's not like the Harvard grad wants to name it something obscene. If you're going to troll for money on E-Bay, who should clearly set your parameters.

Update: They're going to call it the Jimmy Fund Center instead.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:47 PM | Other | TrackBack (2)

Better Jeter than the Aaron Boone or Bucky Dent center, huh?

Posted by: Linkmeistet at February 25, 2005 04:09 PM

I think they're more worried about a fan backlash or something - people throwing stuff at signs, or whatever. Seams reasonable, given the Boston fan base and the general level of intoxication at these games.

Posted by: Mike at February 25, 2005 04:46 PM

The Fleet Center is not trolling for money for themselves; the fees paid for the naming rights go to charity. I wouldn't be surprised if the Fleet Center will be able to write off these "donations", but charities are benefitting from this stunt.

The fact that the Fleet Center is hedging on the Jeter name for a night indicates that they are worried of a fan backlash or a bunch of empty seats on "Jeter Night,", which of course would put a crimp in their revenues from concessions, merchandise, etc. that night. The spirit of giving only goes so far in Corporate America.

Posted by: J.P. McIntyre at February 25, 2005 06:35 PM

There's no such thing as a sense of humor when it comes to these things. Someone already mentioned fan backlash and that would definately happen. It has nothing to do with alcohol, it's just pure hatred for the Yankees. I'd drive up there myself just to take a piss on the building if it were named that for a day.

Posted by: Brian at February 25, 2005 08:25 PM

Comments like this:

"I'd drive up there myself just to take a piss on the building if it were named that for a day"

prove the utter obnoxiousness and classlessness of the Red Sox fan base. Jeter has always been a gentleman and a respectful individual. What they say about him in Boston is horrific and indicative of the moral bankruptcy of most of the cretins who are Red Sox fans, the most dispicable creatures on Earth.

Posted by: benn w. at February 25, 2005 09:06 PM

Besides, everyone knows Jeter doesn't play center, it's Bernie Williams... if that's what you call what he does there these days...

Posted by: Rob McMillin at February 25, 2005 09:19 PM

The Fleet Center didn't see this coming...and now they're backing off? Didn't the guy win on E-Bay? What, they don't like their own contest when it doesn't work out the way they envisioned it? It seems pretty simple.

And Brian..."it's just pure hatred of the Yankees..." You'd piss on it yourself? Dude, you need to relax. It's a joke. And baseball's a game. Your team just won the World Series, and you can't even laugh at some good irony? Come on.

Posted by: Dave S. at February 26, 2005 12:49 AM

It was a funny joke, but this issue was resolved. Apparently it was a joke between this guy and his old college roomate who is a Sox fan. The Sox fan upped the bid from $2300 to 8600 to name the center the Jimmy Fund Center. Finally, the name Derek Jeter is obscene in New England. While a funny joke I might have tried to hitch a ride with Brian to do my business as well. Let's face it, New Yorkers piss on buildings in public for less of a reason which just proves the utter obnoxiousness and classlessness of the Yankees fan base. Besides what's said about Jeter is pretty comparable to Yankees fans calling Ortiz a gorilla during the ALCS, which is horrific and indicative of the moral bankruptcy of most of the cretins who are Yankees fans, the most dispicable creatures on Earth. Wow Benn W. it's really easy and fun to stand way atop the moral high ground, especially since neither side can stake an accurate claim to it.

Posted by: Kellen at February 26, 2005 07:29 AM

"prove the utter obnoxiousness and classlessness of the Red Sox fan base."

Yes, a few idiots they spoke to specifically to provoke the most extreme reaction, and picked the most obnoxious ones they could find, represent the entire fan base.

I'm a Red Sox fan, and I think it's pretty funny. But I'm obnoxious and classless, so I guess I should end with something obnoxious and classless.

Um, A-Rod is a fake. Take that.

Posted by: steve at February 26, 2005 11:28 AM

Bennie, ya know what I hate most about the Yanks/Sox rivalry? Ya know what I hate more than the Yankees themselves? Even more than Derek Jeter (who is highly overrated, overpaid, an arrogant prick, and it wouldn't hurt if he tried to have ali ttle fun)? The word class. What does class have to do with baseball? And how can you sit there and possibly think that the Yankees and their fans have even a speck more "class" then Red Sox fans? Sure, my statement is pretty classless. Hell, for all you know, I could be the most classless idiot in all the world. But obviously I don't speak for all Red Sox fans. Personally I'll take the Red Sox with their long hair and bears over the Yankees and their steroids, cheating, cameraman pushing, locker punching ways if, for some reason, I ever decided to give two shits about the word that has nothing to do with baseball, class. about

Posted by: brian at February 27, 2005 12:14 PM

As a New York Mets fan, this Yankee / Red Sox rivalry keeps the pressure off us.

Posted by: Beisbol at February 27, 2005 06:45 PM

The other day I was listening to some call-in show on XM Radio's MLB Home Plate where they were asking "Aside from Bonds, who's the best player in baseball right now?" Some guy called up and said, "I might be biased as a Yankee fan, but the best player in baseball's gotta be Jeter." I busted up laughing.

Posted by: Adam Villani at February 28, 2005 03:38 AM

If you look at Derek Jeter's Biography, stats etc you will see that he doesn't come close to comparing with tejada or what arod could be doing... now I do give some credence to his intangibles but outside of NY over the past 10 years how important would that have been...


Posted by: Derek Jeter Biography at July 20, 2005 09:30 AM

If you look at Derek Jeter's Biography, stats etc you will see that he doesn't come close to comparing with tejada or what arod could be doing... now I do give some credence to his intangibles but outside of NY over the past 10 years how important would that have been...


Posted by: Derek Jeter Bio at July 20, 2005 09:30 AM

Does anyone have information about the Yankees vs Brewers game of 7/5/96--particularly what Derek Jeter did in that game? I need it for a novel I'm writing.

Thank you.

Posted by: Ruth at October 29, 2005 03:55 PM

i love derek jeter

Posted by: orhan rifat at June 15, 2006 01:45 PM

Ok, this is so stupid. For starters this "rivalry" is so magnififed by the fans and we all now that the players do respect each other. red sox fans are just proving america right by showing that they have no respect for the game of baseball. all u do is make fun of the yankees for one being better than u, two because new york fans can beat the sox fans up any day, and three because it drives u nuts that our players are not lazy asses that can not only slug homers, but actually make it to first base without breaking a sweat. and dont talk shit about A-Rod cause if i remember clearly the sox were trying to get him, but really like u guys could outbid the yankees. i mean come on u guys can't be that stupid or naive. i mean your players think that they are so great but guess what manny ramirez needs an attitude adjustment, jason varitek actually has to wear the C on his uniform for people to know he's the captain (unlike derek jeter) and you guys might want to consider hair cuts. anyway all your players would do so much better in the yankee clubhouse, proof being clemens, damon etc. so just suck it up and get a life, i mean really we will always dominate the red sox and their fans.

Posted by: Heather Lockheart at August 16, 2006 11:21 AM

Ok, this is so stupid. For starters this "rivalry" is so magnififed by the fans and we all now that the players do respect each other. red sox fans are just proving america right by showing that they have no respect for the game of baseball. all u do is make fun of the yankees for one being better than u, two because new york fans can beat the sox fans up any day, and three because it drives u nuts that our players are not lazy asses that can not only slug homers, but actually make it to first base without breaking a sweat. and dont talk shit about A-Rod cause if i remember clearly the sox were trying to get him, but really like u guys could outbid the yankees. i mean come on u guys can't be that stupid or naive. i mean your players think that they are so great but guess what manny ramirez needs an attitude adjustment, jason varitek actually has to wear the C on his uniform for people to know he's the captain (unlike derek jeter) and you guys might want to consider hair cuts. anyway all your players would do so much better in the yankee clubhouse, proof being clemens, damon etc. so just suck it up and get a life, i mean really we will always dominate the red sox and their fans.

Posted by: Heather Lockheart at August 16, 2006 11:23 AM
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