Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 01, 2005
Do Steroids Help?

John Perricone at Only Baseball Matters continues his commentary on the steroids issue. He links to a Journal of the American Medical Association study on steroids and weight-training. John then states:

The authors concluded that there were no benefits from using steroids while weight-training.

While that's true, I want to throw in a big caveat that John missed. The article is looking at oral doses of androstenedione. When you take a drug orally, it has to go through the stomach. The stomach is a nasty place and can degrade chemical compounds. That's why athletes will inject steroids rather than swallow them.

Baseball Musings is holding a pledge drive during March. Click here for details.

Posted by David Pinto at 10:31 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

Comments were disabled for the Pledge Drive entry, so I'm putting this here:

Come on people, pay up! You know this is a great site, so donate a couple bucks! Help David out!

Posted by: sabernar at March 1, 2005 10:57 AM
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