Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 10, 2005
Put Me in Coach

I thought another interesting study using the charts for the Probabilistic Model of Range would be to look at Mike Cameron and Carlos Beltran as centerfielders. First, let's look at their overall 2004 performance catching fly balls. Here's Cameron (click on graphs for a larger view):

Chart of Cameron's Flys.

And here's Beltran:

Chart of Beltran's Flys.

They look very similar. Cameron has a dip at the top of the curve which I'll come back to. Since these graphs don't tell us much, I though it would be interesting to break them down by batted ball velocity as well. Baseball Info Solutions records three types of velocity -- soft, medium and hard. Let's start with the medium fly balls.

Chart of Cameron's Medium Fly Balls.

Chart of Beltran's Medium Fly Balls.

These should be the routine plays. Cameron looks a hair better, but both do a good job of catching what they should catch. Let's move to the hard hit balls, the ones that should be over their heads:

Chart of Cameron's Hard Fly Balls.

Chart of Beltran's Hard Fly Balls.

There's a lot of noise in Cameron's data, but Beltran looks like he does well on balls hit deep. Finally, let's look at soft fly balls:

Chart of Cameron's Soft Fly Balls.

Chart of Beltran's Soft Fly Balls.

Smaller samples mean more noise, but Cameron appears to have the edge here. My guess is that Beltran plays deeper to be able to get to the deep fly balls, while Cameron takes advantage of his speed to play closer in. Which is better? Those hard hit balls are probably more likely to go for extra bases. We'll need further study to evaluate the tradeoff.

Back to Cameron's dip. Cameron doesn't do as well with balls hit to straight away center as one might expect, especially on soft fly balls. Cameron's tracks flys very differently from most outfielders. I wonder if this causes him to have trouble with balls hit right at him? Does he jump back, then fail to come in? I'd love to hear from Mets fans about this.

Update: There's an excellent post in the comments on the physics of a ball hit directly at a center fielder.

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Posted by David Pinto at 12:11 PM | Defense | TrackBack (0)

Can you plot Beltran and Cameron on the same graph so it's easier to compare them?

Posted by: sabernar at March 10, 2005 01:17 PM

With graphs like these, it's going to be hard to compare two players directly because each player has a unique "expected" curve. If you could find a way to transform a player's "expected" curve into the league-average curve, you could apply the same transformation to his "actual" curve in order to pretend that every fielder had the same opportunities. Then you could overlay multiple player graphs that were in the same "scale" to compare players much more easily.

Posted by: Sky at March 10, 2005 01:47 PM

Sky, I agree with what you are saying, but then the labeling will be wrong. It will really be "actual adjusted", which sounds weird. I think I prefer seeing it as David is laying it out.

What would help more is that:
1 - Force the y-axis from 0 to 1 in all graphs, rather than letting Excel trying to fit the data

2 - Slide the "vectors" over, so that the 0 on the x-axis is straight-away center

Posted by: tangotiger at March 10, 2005 02:03 PM

That dip in Cameron's chart, read in combination with the linked blog-item on anticipating rather than tracking, is very telling. It illustrates a consequence of physics related to side-spin and stability.

Balls hit to the right and left fields, or even to the right and left parts of center field always have some side-spin (this is a result of the ball not striking the bat perpendicular). This side spin causes the path of the ball to be stable; the lateral 'curving' force on the ball is constant over the flight of the ball, and thus predictable. Balls hit to dead center sometimes have negligable spin on them, and thus behave erratically. The same aerodynamic phenomenon is responsible for knuckle ball behaviour.

A fielder who tracks the ball in flight continuously is able to adjust to the unpredictable flight paths of a spin-less ball and keep his percentage up.

According to the linked post, Cameron judges the trajectory early and goes to the expected landing point without watching, so if the ball starts to deviate, he does not see and adjust. That dip in his chart is for those hits to dead center, those likeliest to have no spin and thus unpredictable trajectory.

My $0.02 worth.

Posted by: Pduel at March 10, 2005 02:57 PM

I'm a Mets fan and see about half the games on TV. Several times last season, I saw Cameron get caught trying to come in on balls hit directly at him, then realize they were hit harder than he had thought at first and have to reverse and go back. The ones he didn't catch were extra bases, of course; I think I remember several triples. It's weird in a way, because on those, he can watch the ball, since he's facing it as he runs in. Then again, as a bad outfielder in amateur softball, I've made the same mistake too many times to remember :) Line drives look like they should start sinking, but then they stay up because they're hit harder than I realized. I guess Cameron's so sure of his instincts that he's less cautious than other centerfielders on those balls. He doesn't have that one-beat hesitation to double-check that a lot of outfielders have, he instead starts coming in right away.

Posted by: steve h at March 10, 2005 06:40 PM

This is a great idea. You might try graphing the difference, (actual - predicted), so that an average performance shows up as zero, above-average as positive values, and below-average as negative values. It's hard to make out the small differences between the actual and predicted values, relative to the large variation in actual and predicted values across different x-values.
Also, look at the Beltran-Medium Fly Balls graph. The actual and predicted curves look almost identical to the eye. But this is misleading. Beltran is actually quite a bit below average here. The eye tends to see the perpendicular distance between the two curves (i.e., the shortest distance between the curves), but what really counts is the vertical distance between the curves at each x-value. If you look at the vertical distance at x=5 and x=4, for instance, you can see that the red point is substantially above the blue point. Plotting the differences would make this more clear.

Posted by: Steve at March 11, 2005 04:25 PM
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