Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 26, 2005

What do Johnny Damon and Dwight David Eisenhower have in common? Nixon in the #2 slot.

Nine days before Opening Day, manager Terry Francona made a significant change in the lineup vs. right-handed starting pitchers by moving Trot Nixon [stats, news] up to second from sixth and dropping Edgar Renteria from second to fifth. It also resulted in Kevin Millar [stats, news] dropping one spot to sixth.

I like this spin on the move:

"We could probably hit these guys anywhere and if they hit like they're supposed to, we'll be OK,'' Francona said. ``But the idea is, if they hit like they're supposed to, is to maximize our scoring opportunities."

Nixon, for his career, has a 20 point higher OBA than Renteria. Batting Renteria fifth is also interesting. It looks to me as if they're trying to use him as a leadoff man for the bottom of the order.

It should be noted that with Bellhorn batting 9th, you have two great OBA guys in front of Nixon, leading to this comment by Francona:

"Our two-hole is more of an RBI position than other clubs, so we view it a little different," Francona said. "It may be a little bit unconventional but I think when you sit down and look at it, it seems to be in our best interests."

Nixon, in this sense, is a swing man. He's a table setter in the first inning, and he's an RBI man when Bellhorn and Damon set the table. A fascinating lineup.

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Posted by David Pinto at 09:57 AM | Strategy | TrackBack (0)

I like the move of getting Renteria out of the second spot in the lineup, but after thinking about it and talking about it I think I'd rather see Bellhorn batting second and Nixon batting third. That way Millar would be pushed back a spot and Renteria could bat in front of Varitek and Millar.

Posted by: Brian at March 26, 2005 12:08 PM

Renteria isn't all that great a player. He should be batting 7 or 8 in that lineup. The thought of him batting 2nd or 5th makes this Yankee fan pretty damn happy.

Posted by: sabernar at March 26, 2005 04:22 PM
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