Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
April 25, 2005
Support Baseball Musings

I want to thank everyone who has visited the site since writing and maintaining Baseball Musings became a full time job. March was my best month for traffic in the three years publishing this blog, and April is on target to do even better. Your visits are the most important way of supporting Baseball Musings, since high traffic attracts advertisers.

The March pledge drive was very sucessful, but feel free to donate at any time. If everyone who visits the site in a given month donated $1, Baseball Musings could run independently for a year. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Fifty dollars earns you a dedication of a blog post, and $500 earns you recognition for two years on the patron's list (each with a link). You can make donations via PayPal or the Amazon Honor System.

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You can also support this site by visiting advertisers. If you see something that interests you on the side bar, give it a click. I also participate in affiliate programs, where if you click through and spend money, Baseball Musings earns part of that.


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Once again, thanks for all your support. I hope you'll keep visiting for features like the Day by Day Database as well as the commentary. It's proving to be a very interesting season so far; there will be no lack of story lines to follow.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:41 AM | Blogs | TrackBack (0)
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