Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
May 05, 2005
Shakeup Time?

Brad Radke finishes up a 9-0 shutout of the Indians. Brad gave up just three hits and no walks. The Indians failed to make him work, as Radke averaged 13 pitches per inning.

What is wrong with Cleveland? At what point does Shapiro start making moves to change the roster? The team needs some kind of a shakeup; they should not be this bad. Could Eric Wedge be in trouble? This was the year the Indians were expected to compete.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:54 PM | Offense | TrackBack (1)

Today, Cleveland couldn't hit. But the two prior games, they did fine. Maybe they've turned it around already, and today was an anomaly?

If not, I would figure the manager -- or at least a couple of coaches -- will be shown the door before trades are considered. They are supposedly on some sort of plan, which I don't think involves trading prospects...

Posted by: CW at May 5, 2005 05:32 PM
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