Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 14, 2005
Dodgers No Draw

The Dodgers are coming to town! Let's all go out and see of the most storied franchises in the history of baseball! Except if you're in Kansas City. Just 15,579 turned out to see a 3-2 Royals victory over Los Angeles. If bringing a great, historic team to Kansas City can't fill a stadium, maybe baseball shouldn't be in KC.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:02 PM | TrackBack (0)

C'mon, KC drew fine back when they had good teams. Why should fans come out when they know the team is going to be hopeless--not just not pennant contenders, but horribly bad--every single year?

Posted by: Rebecca Allen, PhD at June 14, 2005 11:43 PM

Easy there, David. Attendance is down, because no one wants to throw their support behind a team that's a lead pipe cinch to lose over 100 games. Everyone loves a winner. K.C. is no different than everywhere else.

If the current youth movement pans out, the fans will come back. They always do.

Besides, the Dodgers would never be the draw in K.C. that the Cubs, Yankees, Red Sox or Cardinals are.

Posted by: CB at June 15, 2005 01:08 AM

OK, how weird is this... the Dodgers' last ten runs have all come on solo HRs. That accounts for every run of the past three games, plus the game-winner Friday night. Hee Seop Choi, all by himself, is now on a streak of having his last six HRs come with nobody on base.

Posted by: Adam Villani at June 15, 2005 01:39 AM

I thought the Yankees were the most storied franchise in the history of Baseball. The Dodgers didn't win their first WS until 1955, for crying out loud! They don't even rank first in the NL in WS wins.

Bunch of bloomin' hyperbole if you ask me. KC fans have been staying away in droves because the team hasn't played well for over a decade. The attendance in KC will improve as the team improves. And the team is improving of late. If they win tonight, then that's 4 of the last 5 series that the Royals have won. Including that sweep of the Yankees.

Posted by: The Bench Jockey at June 15, 2005 10:52 AM

15,000 for a tuesday night.... thats not as bad as you'd like it to be huh dave? You like to stir stuff up so you go crazy with your weird theories like if the attendance isnt 30000 to see the team with the worst record in baseball play the 3 games above .500 dodgers, then they oughtta move to vegas cuz KC isnt fit for baseball.... Just calm down, take a breath and realize what you said.... Besides it's buck night at the K tonight, expect 20,000 and if the Royals win expect 25,000 on thursday and go ahead and chalk up 25-30 for fridays game when JP Howell takes on Clemens

Posted by: greg at June 15, 2005 10:58 AM

I agree with everyone.....once the Royals get a committment to winning you will see attendance start to increase. they have to draft smart because now they have no real players to trade away for prospects. it will be a looooooong process, a painful one if you are a royals fan. When they were actually playing well in the first half two or three years ago did they get people in the stadium?? That should answer the question whether or not baseball should stay in KC.

Posted by: Fo at June 15, 2005 02:56 PM

the dodgers???!!! a draw!!!???
not since they left Brooklyn.

Posted by: s at June 15, 2005 03:22 PM

Well, they're certainly a draw in their home park, which has set attendance records from day one. They wouldn't have left Brooklyn if the fans had been coming to Ebbets Field.

Posted by: Adam Villani at June 15, 2005 05:02 PM

Attendance woes at KC are not much different than in other small-market franchises like Milwaukee or Pittsburgh. They're stuck in a vicious cycle: small population --> low attendance --> low revenues --> low payroll --> mediocre players --> losing record --> even lower attendance. Until baseball gets serious about leveling the playing field, either by redistributing revenue from the rich to poor franchises or something else (curbing free agency???), interest in the sport will continue to wane in the hinterlands.

Posted by: Andrew at June 15, 2005 10:13 PM
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