Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 15, 2005
Tar on the Glove

Frank Robinson caught Brendan Donnelly with pine tar on his glove, and Donnelly was properly ejected. Scioscia then goes over to tell off Frank Robinson, and the benches cleared. No punches were thrown, but, Jose Guillen needed to be restrained.

According to the AP story, Scioscia told Robinson he was going to check his pitchers:

Robinson, a former vice president of discipline for the major leagues, said Donnelly simply got caught cheating and Scioscia was "way off base."

"He took me by surprise when he came over to me and I took it as a threat," Robinson said. "He told me that he was going to have every one of my pitchers undressed when they came out there to the mound -- no matter who it was."

Said Scioscia: "I told Frank we were going to undress his pitchers when they were on the mound to see if they had any pine tar in their glove. He obviously wasn't happy. He was screaming. We weren't making a lunch date."

Mike, your pitcher got caught cheating. You should be upset with him. Instead, you fired up the Nationals and your good friend Jose Guillen hurt your cause with a home run. Your team was winning at that point, then lost the game. You should have chewed Donnelly out instead of making statements like this:

Scioscia acknowledged that the use of pine tar is against the rules, but said it is "used around baseball," doesn't alter the flight of the ball and usually isn't an issue.

Sure it doesn't. And I'm sure it keeps the ball sparkling clean, too. Robinson deserves an apology.

Update: A reader notes in the comments that Donnelly was caught with a spare ball in his pocket against the Red Sox. That seems more suspicious now.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:41 AM | Cheating | TrackBack (0)

Wasn't Donnelly the guy that just caught with another baseball in his pocket a week or so ago?

Posted by: calig23 at June 15, 2005 09:36 AM

Did Scosia really say it doesn't alter the flight of the ball? Not any more than vaseline on the head of a golf club, anyway... yeesh.

Posted by: john swinney at June 15, 2005 10:44 AM

Umpires also awarded a batter a ball twice in a Series against the White sox when Donnelly repeatedly brought his hand to his mouth between pitches.

Posted by: Mike at June 15, 2005 10:53 AM

Of course, Donnelly doesn't have the Players' Union to back him up on anything.

Posted by: Adam Villani at June 15, 2005 11:55 AM

Wow Donnelly has a lot of balls (pun intended) to pull some of this stuff. He's a joke.

Posted by: Chris at June 15, 2005 11:57 AM

How sweet is it to be Jose Gullien? I can't wait to see tonight's national televised matchup between the Nats and the Angels. Let's see whether or not Jose's batflip leads to a ball thrown at him. If you are the Umpires do you warn both teams before the game if there are any intentionally thrown balls both manager and pitcher are ejected?? I do. If not then you'll see a better brawl than Tyson's "fight". At least you won't have to spend 50 bucks to see it.

Posted by: Fo at June 15, 2005 02:21 PM

Now that I've seen the video:

It appeared the tar was inside the glove, where your palm goes, rather than in the pocket, so perhaps Scosia's contention was that he was just using it to get a better grip in the glove. Trouble is, when he rubs up a new ball he's gonna get it sticky which ever hand its getting on...

Posted by: john swinney at June 15, 2005 11:02 PM

boy the gloves could really come off in that feud

Posted by: JAMES at June 16, 2005 08:34 PM
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