Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 15, 2005
Game of the Day

The Diamondbacks go for the sweep of the Chicago White Sox tonight. They'll send Russ Ortiz against 10-game winner Jon Garland. The DBacks have outscored the White Sox 18-5 in these two games. Ortiz is walking over 5 batters per 9 innings, one of six pitchers with 60 innings over 5.0. The White Sox are not much of a walking team, ranking 8th in the AL in drawing free passes, so at least Ortiz is playing to their strength. Garland is at the other end of the scale, walking only 1.46 per 9. It's a good thing, since the DBacks are 2nd in the NL in drawing walks. Take away the walks, and you reduce Arizona to it's batting average, which is a managable .264. Arizona has outwalked the White Sox 7-1 in this series so far.


Posted by David Pinto at 09:31 AM | Matchups | TrackBack (0)

You picked game of the day the Dbacks vs the White Sox?? Perhaps before last night I would have agreed but after the Nats-Angels fiasco last night I would rather see this matchup. Who knows what happens tonight when Jose Gullien goes to bat after showing up the Angels with that bat flip of his. Who knows whether or not Mike Socisca or Frank Robinson will have the umpire crew check a pitcher's glove and the retaliation after if it happens.

Living in DC I am very upset again that the game was not televised locally last night (another heated topic that needs to be addressed), but thanks to the baseball gods, tonight's game is nationally televised and I will actually have the rare chance to actually see a game, and what a game it will be.

Posted by: Fo at June 15, 2005 02:49 PM
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