Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
July 27, 2005
A Griffey Fan's Plea

Brian Spurlock does not want to see Ken Griffey traded.

Of course, I also have to endure the whining of "fans" who claim Junior is overpaid and underproductive. They forget that he had a good season in 2000 and then was plagued by injuries - the result of going all-out. He's just starting to come back, but the "fans" and radio know-it-alls want to trade him.

Ken Griffey Jr. is a bona fide superstar, a first-ballot Hall-of-Famer who will end up with 700 home runs. He signed a contract below market value to come here, but all anyone talks about is how his contract is hindering the Reds.

All good points. However, if the Reds could use Griffey to get some young pitching, I'd do the deal. Griffey's best years are behind him and he's an injury waiting to happen. The Reds would be well served to trade him if the right deal comes along.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:10 PM | Sluggers | TrackBack (0)

700?!?!?! Yeah, right. And Bonds is a shoe-in to break Aaron's record...

Posted by: Jason at July 28, 2005 08:10 AM
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