Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
July 28, 2005
Power Politics

Manny Ramirez was scheduled for a day off yesterday. With the Nixon injury, the Red Sox asked if he would play. Manny said no.

So, really, what are team officials to do? You want the home runs and RBI, you get the teenage behavior, too. With Ramirez, it is all part of the deal. The Red Sox won a World Series last year and Ramirez was a very big part of that, and the unfortunate reality is that the Red Sox need Ramirez more than he needs them. In the short term, that will remain true as long as the Sox want to win.

The Red Sox could always bench him. Grady Little did that in 2003. It was just for one day, but the message came through as Manny played great the rest of the season. Maybe Francona should have Manny take Friday off as well.

Update: LyfLines reprints their thoughts on Manny from two years ago.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:39 AM | Baseball Jerks | TrackBack (0)

During the 10 full seasons in Manny Ramirez's career, his teams have gone 929-670, a .581 winning percentage (equivalent to a 94 win season). His teams have made the playoffs seven out of ten seasons. Not exactly a cancer in the clubhouse in my mind.

Posted by: Man of Leisure at July 28, 2005 12:26 PM

Cesar Crespo has a World Series ring from 2004. Sometimes, things happen in SPITE of factors, not because of them.

If Manny had been playing for the Expos for the past 10 years, would you say he is a clubhouse cancer in your mind?

Posted by: Mike at July 28, 2005 01:56 PM
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