Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
July 29, 2005
18 Innings

I tried staying up, but the Angels and Blue Jays went 18 innings last night. Toronto fans got two games for the price of one! The relief was excellent. Two Angels pitchers combined for 5 hitless innings, and four Blue Jays combined for 5 2/3 hitless innings. Toronto finally scored in the bottom of the 18th as Alex Rios singled, stole 2nd, went to third on a wild pitch and scored on a Hudson single. The game only went 4:50, which isn't much longer than a typical Yankees-Orioles game. :-)

The Blue Jays move past the Orioles for third place in the AL East. The Athletics move to within 3 1/2 games of LAnaheim.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:17 AM | Games | TrackBack (0)

Did you know that a perfect game was pitched as part of last night's Jay/Angel marathon ? After Koskie's intentional walk in the bottom of the 9th inning, the Angels retired the next 2 batters. The two bullpens then proceeded to pitch four innings of 3-up and 3-down baseball. The 14th inning started with Erstad flying out, making him the the 27th consecutive batter who failed to reach base. DaVanon followed with a single, ending the "perfect" game !

Posted by: BirdWatcher at July 29, 2005 05:50 PM
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