Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
September 15, 2005
Braden Blows (the Save)

Washington had their back against the wall, down one in the ninth inning. But Braden Looper and the defense allowed them back into the game. A single by Zimmerman and an error by Gerald Williams opened the inning, and after a hit by pitch, Wilkerson got Matsui to commit the 2nd error of the inning, tying the game. They'll go to the bottom of the ninth tied.

Update: I just went back and watched the replay of Matsui's error. It's a tough error to give the second baseman. The infield was in and the ball was hit hard, but just to his right. I guess the official scorer believes Kaz should have knocked it down.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:13 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)

Going to extra at Shea

Posted by: Patrick K. at September 15, 2005 04:24 PM
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