Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
October 01, 2005
Why Can't We See All the Games?

It would be nice if Fox had arranged it so we could see all the games today. They could have done a double header on Fox and a double header on FX. Then we could have switched back and forth between Boston and Cleveland then Washington and Houston. ESPN would have found a way.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:05 PM | Broadcasts | TrackBack (0)

It's worse than that -- there are markets where you can't see either game. You can't catch either game anywhere in the DC market; there's not a bar or TV in the area that can carry them. And you can't watch Sox-Yankees, at least, on MLBTV. It's truly outrageous.

Posted by: Sox Fan in DC at October 1, 2005 04:15 PM

Yeah it sucks. I'm a Phillies fan in Detroit and there is NO late game at all. I think COPS reruns instead. MLBtv is useless, as usual, on Saturdays.

Posted by: nick at October 1, 2005 04:25 PM

Turns out the actual reason is that the FOX contract wont allow them to play more than one game per market. So now everyone in the country has to pretend there are no other teams beside the Sox & Yankees.

Posted by: nick at October 1, 2005 04:54 PM

Yes, that's the reason, but MLB makes exceptions all the time. If Fox asked if they could show all four games, MLB would say yes. Fox doesn't believe it does as well if it goes out of market. So it's a Fox money issue, not an MLB issue.

Posted by: David Pinto at October 1, 2005 05:11 PM

In my opinion, Fox, on the whole, has been bad for baseball. The announcers talk non-stop about nonsense, the blackout policy means that roughly half the games each Saturday are not viewable (on at least), and the broadcast is gimmicky (like Scooter that talking baseball, or even worse, the WebMD injury report (talk about uninformative)). I have my problems with ESPN as well, but they are worlds better than Fox.

Posted by: David Dean at October 1, 2005 05:28 PM

FOX v ESPN - a tough call. I guess if you like poker, they are both great. The despicable practice of putting cheerleading competions or the like opposite a real sporting event on ESPN/ABC makes ESPN tough to take. But then FOX has Nascar and Joe Buck is an arrogant snot....I'll just focus on the Yanks and hope Joe lets Bernie manage tomorrow.

Posted by: Phil Kingsley at October 2, 2005 01:16 AM

I'm with the Red Sox fan who first comment on this topic. For Fox to choose Scientific Atlantis over a Red Sox vs Yankees game in this great country's capital is beyond me. Big Corporation and TV broadcasting rights have once again screwed the fan out of watching games. You pay 150 bucks for a MBL pass on the Direct TV service and can't watch all the games. What is so special about Saturdays anyway that make it impossible for us to watch a damn ball game???????

Posted by: Scott Phelps at October 4, 2005 03:27 PM
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