Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
January 10, 2006
Hall of Fame Inductees

Bruce Sutter is the only player elected. More to follow.

Update: Here's the story and voting from

Posted by David Pinto at 02:00 PM | All-Time Greats | TrackBack (0)

Tough to see how voters could vote for Sutter and not Gossage at the same time...

Posted by: Benjamin Kabak at January 10, 2006 02:04 PM

Someone voted for Walt Weiss. Please rescind his/her voting credentials.

Posted by: crg at January 10, 2006 02:12 PM

Man, why did I have to grow up and see that so many adults are such morons? Okay, so I meant sportswriters, but you get the idea. Bruce Sutter was a good pitcher, yes he was. Bruce Sutter had numbers that would put him in the I'm-close-to-the-Hall-of-Fame-But-It's-Still-A-Debate category (no longer of course). But, if you're a sportswriter and think that he deserves to be in the hell do you justify NOT voting for Gossage? What's next? Is that Bud guy going to hold stadium deals over cities' heads and then threaten to move teams if his royal fiats aren't followed?

Posted by: Kent at January 10, 2006 02:17 PM

Heh. I would have voted for Walt Weiss too - but that's my sense of humor.

Posted by: Pete at January 10, 2006 02:27 PM

maybe that person voted for wiess because he was the first person ever to play for the expansion era rockies and marlins?

is that worth one hall of fame vote?

Posted by: tony flynn at January 10, 2006 02:46 PM

are the writers effin crazy!? if rick aguilera (3 votes), gregg jefferies (2), doug jones (2) and walt weiss (1) are making it onto the ballots, then CLEARLY, the voting system needs some reform. friggin garry gaetti, a nice enough fellow, got 4 votes. and this business of jim rice ahead of 'the hawk' has got to stop. in the words of rob neyer, "feared does not equal great."

Posted by: benjah at January 10, 2006 03:14 PM

Gary DiSarcina was on the Hall of Fame ballot. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Benjamin Kabak at January 10, 2006 03:14 PM

If you have the years in (ten, IIRC) you automatically get put on the ballot for the first year.
I don't have a problem with a voter giving a courtesy vote to a guy who's got no shot at the Hall. But if you're giving your votes away to non HoF caliber players while deserving guys get the shaft, then you are a frigging idiot and should have your vote taken away. Maybe give it to a blogger who's serious about baseball and the HoF.

Posted by: rbj at January 10, 2006 03:47 PM

Mr. Sutter just slipped his split-finger into the Hall of Fame. I am glad he was a St. Louis Cardinal for some of his greatest years.
Next year will really be interesting. Cal Ripken, Tony Guinn and Mark McGuire all come up to bat in the big game.
Jack Greer
Waterloo, IL

Posted by: Jack Greer at January 10, 2006 04:11 PM

Yeah, there's no judgement calls in who gets onto the ballot. That part's automatic, as it should be. I just gotta love the thought processes of the guy who voted for Walt Weiss, though... "Gary DiSarcina... no way! But Walt Weiss--- there's a HOF-caliber player for you."

Actually, I'm sure it's just local guys tossing him a courtesy vote. Hell, if I were a HOF voter I might throw an extra vote Hershiser's way as long as I was confident it wouldn't actually get him in the Hall.

Posted by: Adam Villani at January 10, 2006 05:31 PM

It's a shame the BBWriters hold Goose's later years against him. They fail to grasp the magnitude of his dominance of the 7th, 8th and 9th innings. Rich routinely came in with 2 on, and none or one out, and got his manager, and starting pitcher off the hook and his team in the win column. He protected leads, staved off tying runs and turned out the lights on would be rallies. He intimidated opposing batters and raised a many manager's blood pressure figuring out how to win in 6 innings because they wanted no part of "the Goose"! C'mon! -he had a nick name for pete's sake. Who's Pete?....He was DOMINANT! ask the hall of famers who've faced him. And by the way, I am a Mets fan.

Posted by: leco at January 10, 2006 06:23 PM
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