Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 08, 2006
Where's the Farm System?

Independent Thinking reports that the Royals signed their second independent league player in a month. If the Royals are dipping into players no one else wants, what does that say about their farm system?

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Posted by David Pinto at 08:49 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

Dave - While there isn't very much good to be said for the Royals organization, I don't know that this is a bad signing.

The Padres are much more active on this front than the Royals. The Padres have a system where they will invite indy league players to a try-out and if they like them they sign them for $1 to get them into spring training. If they make the team, they get a new deal, if not they have had another chance at making affiliated ball.

So, these are not big contracts the Royals are dolling out. I don't know as much about Haynes, but I think the first signing - Mike from the Frontier League - could be a very nice surprise. He could eventually be playing in Omaha and be a serviceable 4/5 outfielder.

Posted by: Toby at March 8, 2006 02:35 PM

Thanks for the link as well! Nice boost for the days readership.

Toby - Independent Thinking.

Posted by: Toby at March 8, 2006 02:37 PM

Well, the Royals have nothing to lose, right? I mean, this isd a team that is going to lose 100 games easily this season, and is full of guys who are tradebait (sanders, grudzielanek, sweeney, stairs) or guys who just can't play (emil brown, angel berroa, pretty much the entire pitching staff, terrence long...). And, because david Glass is attempting run the team ilike a Wal-Mart (cheap, crappy products), the farm system is pretty awful. Why not try some indy-league guys? I mean, why not just throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. The Royals have nothing to lose. They're the worst team in baseball. And the worst franchise. Maybe it's time to try a new approach.

Posted by: david at March 9, 2006 12:31 AM
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