Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 13, 2006
The Slump of Slumps

I didn't realize the Diamondbacks slump was this bad:

Arizona hasn't owned a lead since the seventh inning of its game last Monday against Philadelphia.

The average score in their last seven games is 7-2 opponents. They played three games in which they allowed 10 runs or more, and four games in which they scored 2 runs or less. Great team tend to win big. Poor teams tend to lose big. Right now, Arizona looks like a very poor team.

The article states the obvious, that much of this is distraction over the Grimsley case. It might almost be a relief to release the names in affidavit, so players could stop worrying about it. Of course, there's the possibility that the team was playing over its head for a while and is just coming back to earth.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:32 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

Either that, or the team needs to start taking HGH again.

Posted by: rbj at June 13, 2006 09:26 AM
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