Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 13, 2006
Stop! This is Harrrrrd!

The Kansas City Royals made a very dumb move by revoking the press passes of two reporters after their questions at the press conference to introduce Dayton Moore. Now the Press Club wants them re-instated.

At the news conference Thursday, the two reporters grilled owner David Glass over his handling of the dismissal of former general manager Allard Baird.

A release from the Kansas City Press Club states, "The questions asked at the press conference were tough, but fair. The game played at Kauffman Stadium is hardball, not softball, after all."

"Decisions made in the heat of the moment often lead to mistakes," the statement reads. "But now that time has elapsed, the Kansas City Press Club trusts that cooler head will prevail, credentials will be reinstated quickly, and the focus will return to where it belongs: getting the Royals back to winning form."

The Royals need all the help they can get to turn this franchise around. An angry press doesn't help. It just make Glass and his team look immature, and gives these two radio host more publicity than they probably deserve. If you're going to be in the public eye, you're going to get questions about your every move. And when the process was confused as the Dayton Moore hiring, you deserve a lot of them. Banning reporters isn't going to stop that; my guess is others will take up the slack.

Posted by David Pinto at 05:56 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)

'The Kansas City Royals' means David Glass. Dave is also a director of the Baseball Hall of Fame. In case anyone wondered at the character and governing philosophy running baseball, here it is.

Posted by: susan mullen at June 13, 2006 07:21 PM

Is anyone aware of something like this happening with any other professional sports team, i.e., withdrawing credentials for the remainder of the year because reporters ask questions that management doesn't like? It reminds me of the Nixon White House under seige during Watergate.

Posted by: CL Johnson at June 13, 2006 07:50 PM

Come on, Glass was the CEO of Wal-Mart. What do you expect from him but silly, immature, bully tactics to avoid people pointing out legitimate problems with his business decisions? The guy was made to be a part of this current administration of bad baseball management.

Posted by: Nick at June 13, 2006 08:01 PM

Re credentials--in recent weeks Mets mgmt. was peeved
at 1 or more reporters' coverage of one of their star new
players. The main reporter, I believe was Bob Raissman
of the NY Daily News. In his column, he related Mets'
objections to his comments, but said that as a member of the BBWAA they couldn't withdraw his credential for
access to the clubhouse or the grounds. So, I'm just
guessing the 2 KC reporters aren't members of the
BBWAA or this wouldn't be happening.

Posted by: susan mullen at June 13, 2006 10:28 PM

So what questions did they ask?

Posted by: SleepyCA at June 15, 2006 01:15 PM
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