Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 14, 2006
More Good, Young Pitching

The Brewers and Reds are scoreless in the middle of the eighth inning as Carlos Villanueva and Elizardo Ramirez, two pitchers born in 1983 held the opposition scoreless. Villanueva lasted six innings before being lifted after 79 pitches. He allowed just four hits while striking out five. It's an impressive outing for his first major league start.

Ramirez just finished the top of the eighth. He's struck out 10 and allowed just five hits. With Ramirez due up second and having thrown 113 pitches, he's likely done for the day. He's lowered his ERA to 3.44.

Update: The Reds do pinch hit for Ramirez. With this outing, he now has a lower ERA at GAB than on the road.

Update: A very nice infield in play in the top of the ninth. The Brewers had men on 2nd and 3rd with one out. Hall grounded the ball to Aurilia at third. Koskie ran on contact from third, Aurilia charged the ball, picked it and kept moving toward the plate. He made a good throw to the plate while Koskie tried to cut down the angle. Valentin took the throw and was in a perfect position to tag Koskie just before his foot reached the plate. It was one of those situation where everyone involved executed the play correctly, and in this case the defense won. The game is still scoreless in the bottom of the ninth.

Update: They're going to extra innings, tied at 0.

Posted by David Pinto at 02:45 PM | Games | TrackBack (0)

Gary Thorne has consistently called Rickie Weeks "Richie"...What is with ESPN and calling him "Richie"?

Posted by: Bryan at June 14, 2006 03:25 PM

Dunn just ended it - 3 run bomb off Dan Olb.

Posted by: John in Austin at June 14, 2006 03:52 PM
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