Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 16, 2006
More Offense

The Chicago White Sox scored eight runs last night as they defeated the Rangers 8-2. Jim Thome homered late in the game, his 22nd of the year, but only his second in his last 13 games. Thome was brought in to transform the offense, and indeed that's happened. Compare the White Sox through 66 games in 2005 and 2006:

White Sox Offense20052006
Runs per Game4.85.4
Batting Average.262.276
On-Base Average.326.348
Slugging Percentage.421.455

In 2005 they ranked 5th in runs per game; in 2006 they've moved up to fourth. Thome's brought fewer outs and more power to the middle of the lineup, producing more offense from the DH slot and at the same time giving everyone else more chances to produce as well.

Another difference is that the White Sox played a many fewer one-run games this season. Through 66 contests in 2005, the pale hose were 19-8 in one run games. This season they're just 11-8. More runs means less opportunities to play close games. That's a good thing.

Posted by David Pinto at 06:56 AM | Team Evaluation | TrackBack (0)

And those numbers are with Uribe hitting .204 and Anderson...well, with Anderson playing some great defense. If those 2 can both hit just .240-.250 the Sox will climb even further.

They've been fun to watch this year, and they're still not yet hitting their stride. We'll be doing some serious damage if everyone starts playing together.

Posted by: Token at June 16, 2006 12:06 PM

* WHEN everyone starts playing together.

Posted by: Token at June 16, 2006 12:07 PM
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