Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
June 16, 2006
Whither DePodesta?

I've been wondering what Paul DePodesta is doing. Here's the answer:

For the better part of Paul DePodesta's adult life, the 7 p.m. hour meant it was five minutes from first pitch.

These days, that's bathing time for his 2-year-old son and 5-month-old daughter, and DePodesta is happy to spend the time with his family in their Los Angeles home.

He's also building houses:

He's exploring what his next career move will be, and is happy to do some volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity in the greater Los Angeles area, doing mostly construction.

About once a week, DePodesta hammers nails, pours concrete, puts up dry wall, or "whatever else they tell me to do."

Nobody around him knows he used to run the Dodgers.

"I'm just like anybody else," DePodesta said by telephone from Los Angeles. "Just another guy wearing a baseball hat and safety goggles."

Good for him. It sounds like this break came just at the right time. He gets to help around the house, help others and recharge for the next job.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:27 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)

And just when the Dodgers have a team OBP around .360.

Posted by: Crank at June 16, 2006 06:48 PM
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